Posted: July 3, 2023 in Uncategorized

I have always loved fantasy. Supernatural forces and epic battles have been inhabiting my world since early childhood. I have always been a Christian. The story of Christ, His life, His mission, His death, His resurrection, has been the cornerstone of my life.

So, when I found out about the trilogy that will be featured in my next posts, CROSS INTENTS, a blockbuster-style retelling of the life of Jesus, written by Mr. Scott Wells, from before His birth to the early days of the Christian church, I knew I was in for a great ride.

Mr. Scott Wells, the author of this trilogy, is a worthy successor to Christian fantasy masters such as J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. And I say this with all the confidence in the world.

What makes this story unique is the fact that it is told from the vantage point of angels and demons. The protagonist angel, captain Elric, is a hardened, stoic warrior who, together with his team, is given the great honor of hiding the King, Jesus, from the eyes of the enemies, before and immediately after His birth. We are all familiar with this story, anyone who has ever went to church or Sunday school knows it like the back of their hand. However, Mr. Wells injects it with a big-time blockbuster feel, that Christian fiction honestly needs.

Fantasy is all about „worldbuilding”, and I think this is where the author shines. Mr. Wells clearly knows his Scripture, and uses the Good Book as a tremendous building block for an epic, supernatural slugfest between angels and demons, deeply enrooted in prophecy. I really enjoyed reading about angels strategizing, discovering the plan of God as it unfolded, I loved how stupidly vain demons were regarding said plan, I loved seeing all the pieces fit together, I loved the grit(there are demons that influence someone to do a very bad thing at some point in the book), I loved the small touches that the author sprinkles throughout the story(Satan having the face of a lion, the ceaseless infighting of demons, some of them being prideful enough to want to oust the Devil himself). I loved the description of Gabriel, the Archangel, as having a booming voice. It was so vivid that I could almost hear it. I loved the trials and tribulations Mary and Joseph went through to get to Bethlehem. And the precious, precious ending scene. Read. This. Book. It will blow you away. And have you humming „Silent Night” regardless of the season. A solid, well-earned ten out of five stars for what is the gripping, heartfelt opener of what I am sure to be an utterly groundbreaking Christian fantasy series.

Though Mr. Wells was kind enough to provide me with a copy of each volume for review, the views herein are entirely my own and I would not do justice to this story if it were any other way.

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